Small business secrets...

Suzannah Hale

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3 tips to get your tweets indexed on Google and improve your brand identity

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Sep 14, 2017 12:03:43 PM


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Topics: Small business tips

4 VoIP features you can’t live without

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Sep 14, 2017 9:16:37 AM



VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) refers to the capabilities which make communication over the internet a possibility, using cloud-based technologies. In short - a phone system that uses the internet to make and receive calls.

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Topics: Latest, VoIP

10 tips for choosing the right domain name

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Sep 12, 2017 12:17:52 PM


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Topics: Small business tips, Latest

Checklist: What small businesses need to look for in a broadband package

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Sep 11, 2017 10:45:32 AM


what-should-small-businesses-look-for-in-business-broadband-1024x683 (1)

Fast upload speeds are vital if your business is online, and faster speeds in general means it's easier to access work materials, upload files, sync data, hold video calls, and so on.

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Topics: Broadband, Latest

How to build an email list from scratch

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Sep 7, 2017 11:35:56 AM


Main-image-1024x625 Starting from zero? It can be a daunting task, one which takes time and patience, but follow these 5 steps and make it easy for yourself. Emailing is still an extremely successful method of generating sales, and is a relatively low cost method of reaching out to your customers.
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Topics: Small business tips, Latest

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A blog by bOnline for news, tips and insights for UK small and 'micro' business owners.

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