Small business secrets...

5 reasons why cloud technology should be part of your business

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Feb 26, 2018 11:48:31 AM


The introduction of cloud technology can mean big changes for small businesses. Moving email servers, phone systems and data storage offers many benefits including time and money savings, productivity boosts and more flexible working.

There are still some businesses that we speak to who are unsure of the cloud and are missing out on all the opportunities it can present. I’ve put together a list of five top reasons the cloud is perfect for small businesses just like yours.

1) It’s extremely reliable

When your network is in the cloud, your data will always be available to you. In the event of a server outage, all of your resources can be reinstated quickly and easily. Your data is stored offsite and backed up to other locations so you can always access it!

2) No data storage restrictions

There are no physical restrictions on data storage with cloud-based networks. If and when you run out of space, you can quickly and easily upgrade your storage plan. Plus there is no need to invest in additional hardware.

3) Your data is secure and protected

All data sent to the cloud is encrypted, which prevents it from being intercepted. If any viruses are detected, these infected files will automatically fail to back-up, which means your files are safer overall. There will be no widespread infections across your network.

4) Flexible and remote working

A cloud storage network allows you to access your data from anywhere. All you need is the right credentials (e.g. a login username and password). This means your employees can work effectively and efficiently from any location - the office, on-site, from home... the list goes on!

5) Collaborate and connect

With all your documents being stored online, it makes collaborations between offices far more easy and effective. With full and real-time access to documents, teams can connect and collaborate in real time, encouraging innovation and speeding up project deadlines.

Final thoughts

All these great benefits are the reason why more than three-quarters of small businesses include cloud technologies in their business. It’s important not to be afraid of the cloud because in doing so, it will hold you and your business back.

If you’re still unsure why not start with just one cloud-based service for your business? Find out more about bOnline’s cloud-based phone system - the perfect solution for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs - feature rich and flexible. This phone system could also save your business time and money. Read more here, or give us a call on 020 3953 7384.


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