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Social Media strategy: 4 tips on how to get more engagement

Posted by Amina Addow on Jul 8, 2019 5:24:06 PM
Amina Addow
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 how to get more engagement on social media

Social media has many benefits which we have talked about at length on this blog. It's key that small businesses become more involved in social media and begin their social media journey.

But how do you go about growing, starting and creating more engagement? We delve into how you can start moving your business online.


Promote your social media effectively

Once you have your social networks up and running make sure to promote it to customers and partners.

This can be done via emails, newsletters or placing social media symbols on your website.

Effectively promoting your social network will mean more engagement and building up a steady following.

Appeal to your audience

Following on from the last point, as you have shaped your small business around a target audience it is also important to appeal to them online.

This can be done by conducting surveys and competitions to drive awareness of your product or service and get your small business out there.

Using these tactics can also open your business to a wider target audience and attract new customers.

Post consistently

A huge factor of succeeding is to update regularly and build enough content to form a community.

This might be once a week, or it might be one per day. How often you post depends on the nature of your business and your market, but the key is consistency.

If you’re too busy to manually keep on track utilise the scheduling and queuing feature.

Use Analytics

Many social media networks now have analytics to see just how far your posts are reaching via impressions and CTR.

Analytics can be used to create more specific content to generate engagement.

Most importantly, these analytics can tell you about your audience: age, gender, occupation and how long they stay on and engage with your page. This can help with future marketing campaigns and getting the most out of social media to generate leads.

Final Thoughts

In this day and age, joining social media is no longer a choice but mandatory. Consumers now expect business to utilise social media networks to stay up to date on the latest news.

A social media profile could also be used to showcase workplace culture and give consumers behind the scenes look and insight.

Get online now!

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