Small business secrets...

Keep your customers happy

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Apr 26, 2018 11:21:43 AM


Nurturing relationships with your customers is a growing area for businesses to implement. In this age of automation and innovation, caring for your customers has never been more important! A happy customer will bring you many benefits, but how can you go about ensuring they’re pleased with your business? 

Offer rewards for loyalty and referrals

It seems like a trivial thing, but offering small rewards and treats to loyal customers goes a long way. If it is feasible to do within your business, then set up a loyalty programme, where you reward customers when they hit certain milestones, or refer more business to you.

You could also implement a referral program that rewards customers who refer potential customers or new business to you. Many businesses do this well by offering a discount to customers who get a certain number of their friends to register for their website.

Exclusive offers

Every so often, give your customers exclusive offers or bonuses. O2 do this with their priority tickets - while this is an example of a huge company the same applies to everyone. Give your customers first access to your new product, or discounted rates. It’ll make them feel special and could promote great reviews and new business from word of mouth.

Some great ways to share your exclusive offers are through a regular company newsletter, or through an app. If you’re already sending mail-outs to your customers on e.g. a monthly basis, then add in an ‘exclusive offer’ section to this email. This will give your customers regular offers and could increase open rates as people are eager to see what the offer is that month. The alternative is to give customers offers through your app. This will encourage users to use your app, and keep up to date with the latest happenings of the business.

Feature case studies and testimonials

While the main benefit of producing case studies is to showcase your fantastic work and highlight success stories of your business. Highlighting your happy customers not only gives them an ego boost, but it also contributes to a positive brand image.

You can also use case studies and testimonials on your website to encourage new businesses and increase engagement on social media. All this contributes to a positive brand image and will attract more customers.

Ask for feedback

Engage with your customers. Listen to what they have to say and use this to further your business. If your customers feel involved in your business, and see their troubles recognised and addressed, you’ll soon see many more happy customers. Asking for your customers' feedback shows them you value their input and are committed to making their experiences with your brand as positive and valuable as possible.

Cross-sell and upsell

Don’t just offer customers discounts and offers - cross-sell the other products / solutions that you have to offer that would benefit them. It’s important not to go overboard here and be pushy. But if your solutions will help the customers grow and achieve their goals faster, then this will shine through. It’s an easy sale in that they already know who you are, and are happy with their current service, so they’ll be more likely to sign up if you offer them more.

Finally, remember, say thank you

This one is so simple, yet the most forgotten. Take every opportunity to thank your customers and make them feel valued. This simple thing could be what sets you apart from your competitors and sees your business grow.

Final thoughts

Keeping customers happy is a great skill, that once mastered, will benefit your business to no end. Your customers are spokespeople for your business and will have a big impact on your success. Don’t, the key to success in business isn't just bringing in new customers, it's about retaining the customers you have, too.

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