Small business secrets...

5 marketing lessons small businesses can learn from Love Island

Posted by Amina Addow on Jun 17, 2019 11:54:39 AM
Amina Addow
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Love Island continues to be the most popular show on TV captivating the British public and gaining millions of viewers for consecutive years.  At first glance, the show may not seem like a marketing Easter egg for small businesses but the heightened and quick success of this smash-hit can certainly teach a few lessons.

We look at what small businesses can take away from all the drama and re couplings.

1. Know your audience


Understanding your audience is key for a successful marketing campaign. Do the research to find out what your target market is currently interested in and cater your content to them.

Doing this will help produce unique, fun and engaging content for your audience and better your marketing campaign.

Tying this with Love Island there are various fashion outlets such as Missguided and Boohoo who tap into the trend and create branded content.

Keep on trend and make sure you know what your audience wants. Or as the Islanders would say ‘on paper’.

2. Engage

Following on, once you understand your audience it's also very important to make sure you engage with them.

Many companies tweet after hours during the show around the #goss involved in the latest ep.

Having real conversations with your followers make any activity fun and can lead to brand awareness as Love Island is the most talked about show on social media.

3. Create a community like Love Island

A brand and company can only succeed if it has loyal and engaging customers. Love Island excels here due to a whole community coming together to share comments and ideas regarding a latest episode or season.

Get your customers involved in your campaigns and allow them insight into your products and company culture. This could be done by polls, surveys and making customers feel like they are a part of your small business.

4. Influencer Marketing

It's no secret that the contestants on Love Island come out of the villa raking in brand deals and sponsorship. It’d be difficult to ignore their influence when it comes to social media marketing.

Using word of mouth marketing from these individuals can extend your business reach and amplify brand awareness.

Partnering up with a social media influencer can potentially let your business reach an entirely new audience.

5. Encourage excitement

Love Island capitalises on showing a short 'first look' clip before an episode airs to encourage excitement and build anticipation to whatever drama or re-coupling is going to occur.

Small businesses can also do the same by using email marketing campaigns to tease new products and services to keep customers interested.

Going further, a countdown clock is also a good way to engage with customers and create excitement.

Final Thoughts

Love Island showcases that even the most simple concepts can drive engagement and beat records. Following these steps will lead to a reactive marketing campaign that really resonates with your target audience and drives results.

Small businesses should think more out of the box as keeping their social media accounts running after hours and identifying popular content to stay in tune.

Try these marketing tips and really put your customers at the focus.

Topics: Small business tips, Latest

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