Small business secrets...

A shoutout to all the GDPR survivors

Posted by Suzannah Hale on Jul 10, 2018 12:32:43 PM


You survived GDPR - now make it start benefiting you!

The doomsday that was GDPR (Friday 25th May 2018) has come and gone, and I think we are all relieved. You should now be compliant (but if you’re not, here is a bit more information about why you should be compliant, and how to go about it). If you’re anything like us, you spent a lot of time preparing your business for the new data protection legislation. So now you’ve done the hard work, start letting it benefit you! Here are some ways how:

Increase consumer confidence

Use GDPR as a chance to grow your relationships with your customers. It’s true that customers are becoming more aware of where and who they share their personal data with.

Because you now (should) comply with GDPR it shows that you respect your customer's data and privacy. This gives you a far better chance of winning customer trust and confidence as well as that of new customers too.

New business opportunities

When your business is compliant with GDPR, you’re giving power back to customers. We, customers, are all now a lot more aware of our rights in regards to personal data and the companies who comply with GDPR are in a very strong position to win new business.

Use it to your advantage that you’ve taken the time to comply (because not every company will have) and show potential customers that you care about them and their data. Policy pop-ups or sections on your website are an easy way of showing potential customers that you comply.

Platform for innovation

As with any major change, GDPR provides entrepreneurial thinkers with opportunities to adapt, innovate and expand. Use this opportunity to make changes and provide the best experiences for your customers.

Improve internal processes

The process of ensuring your business is compliant meant that you probably made a new process, identifying how you store and process data. You will probably have gone through your internal processes within each department of the business, checking how they all link together.

This is a great exercise to have performed because not only will you have a better idea of how the company works, it’ll give you the right insights you need to update other areas of your business.

Final thoughts

Use GDPR to your advantage. You are already (or should already be) compliant - so why not use the new data legislation to your businesses full advantage. There are so many things you can do now using the data protection legislation, the only limitation is you!

We’d love to hear how you’re using GDPR to your advantage! Feel free to leave your comments, stories and journeys below, they could help other businesses like yourselves grow.


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