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bOnline News: What happened in UK telecoms?

Posted by Amina Addow on Oct 31, 2019 3:17:19 PM
Amina Addow
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In a new series developed by the bOnline team, we give you a round-up of the most important news in UK telecom.

Ofcom to release more airwaves for mobile services in 2020

Ofcom has announced that it will include new frequencies as part of the proposal for more mobile services in 2020. As all 4 major mobile networks (BT, Vodafone, O2 and Three ) have now released 5G.

These new mobile airwaves will be released via an auction in Spring 2020. In an attempt to help enhance mobile services and increase 5G access to people and businesses. The proposed new airwaves will help boost capacity and quality of mobile services

Ofcom spectrum group director Philip Marnick said: “Together with mobile companies commitments to improve coverage, this will help more areas get better services and help the UK maintain its place as a leader in 5G.”

Culture Secretary Confirms 2025 UK Gigabit Broadband

Culture Secretary, Nicky Morgan, has stated that the UK will have access to gigabit-capable broadband by the end of 2025. This comes as BT confirms that they plan to stop issuing new ISDN line(s) in 2020 in the run-up to switching off the service altogether by 2025

In a statement given to the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Morgan said: “I still use the phrase 2025 and so does the Prime Minister. I am very clear in the department, it is 2025 that we are aiming for.”

Vodafone and Plusnet set to hike up prices

Plusnet and Vodafone have announced that some of their prices are set to rise in December. Which? states that some customers could see bills increase by 21%.

The charges stem from Plusnet's line rental costs increasing along with its broadband-only packages. Vodafone, on the other hand, has stated their fibre deals are going to increase.

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Topics: Broadband, Latest, VoIP, bOnline & Industry News

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