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What is a Call Queue and how can it benefit your business?

Posted by Lauren Bagdasarian on Jul 24, 2020 11:00:00 AM

What is a Call Queue and how can it benefit your business?Like many businesses, customer queries and sale leads are dealt with via the phone. Providing consistent excellent customer service is a challenge for any business. However, installing call queues can help and be an invaluable asset for your teams and business. Increasing the chance of calls being answered.

What is a call queue?

A call queue is a virtual line callers are placed into when none of your agents are available to take a call. There are various types of call queues that can be configured to meet the needs of your business a customers.

Minimise customer wait times

When getting in contact customers expect their calls to be answered in a timely manner. Using custom call queues your business can manage high volumes of calls more effectively. For example the custom queue Top Down will ring assigned agents one at a time meaning that there is always someone available to take the call.

Ensure fair workload distribution for you team

Distributing work load for your team can lead to a more productive workforce. This is a great option for multiple representatives who have equal skill and knowledge like call centres. Having custom call routing to an employee who has been idle the longest ensuring that workload is shared equally.

Prevent agents from missing calls

Having customers on hold for long periods of time can lead to missed calls meaning missed business opportunities. Setting all phones to ring until a call is answered can ensure incoming calls are answered as fast as possible. This is a great way to make sure calls aren't missed and are highly effective in small teams e.g: a sales team. 

Easily direct calls

Route callers to groups of available agents in a predefined order adding each group to the next ring group. This is ideal for businesses with different departments.

For example, when a call comes through to the sales line, all phones for sales will ring. If no-one answers in time, the system will start ringing the service department as well as the sales team. Increasing the chances of the call being answered rather than sending the caller to voicemail.

Final thoughts

Whether your business has a call centre or simply receives a higher call volume than your team can easily handle. Call queues can help your team manage every call that reaches your business. Increase both customer and employee satisfaction with call queuing.

To see how a VoIP system can fit into your small business communications speak to our VoIP experts on 0203 697 4166.

Topics: Small business tips, Latest, VoIP

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