Our customers are often asking us for the signs that their website is dated needs a redesign. There are some telltale signs that every website will display which show you that you could do with a redesign. In this article, we’ll go through five of the most common signs that you should consider redesigning your website.
In 2017, over 230,000 UK firms were hit by cyber attacks. This is a staggering number, and if it happens to you, it could be detrimental to your business. By implementing these four simple strategies, you could save your business.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
Want to win at hide and seek? Hide on page 2 of Google!
Getting your website to the first page of Google can make or break your online presence. There is a reason for the saying ‘the best place to hide a dead body is on page two of Google’. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) should be an integrated aspect of your online marketing. Here are just a few reasons why.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
As children, we’re told all sorts of stories like “eating carrots will help you see in the dark”. We believed these myths, and while they did no harm, we all know they’re not true. But myths continue to follow us around, and it’s sometimes hard to know what to believe - especially on topics we’re not well versed in. GDPR is probably one of these areas, and there are plenty of myths flying around. So how do you know what to believe? Here are a few of the most common myths surrounding GDPR:
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
GDPR - the EU data protection regulation - and Brexit
I’ve noticed a lot of comments surrounding the new GDPR legislation along the lines of ‘well we are leaving the EU, so why does it affect us’? It’s a good question, and it certainly got me thinking. I’ve done some research and discovered the low-down of how GDPR affects us in the UK with Brexit looming.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
5 reasons why cloud technology should be part of your business
The introduction of cloud technology can mean big changes for small businesses. Moving email servers, phone systems and data storage offers many benefits including time and money savings, productivity boosts and more flexible working.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
Remember GDPR is fast approaching! Come May 2018 businesses must all adhere to the new rules concerning personal data and consent. For small businesses looking into the new legislation now, it should be easy to get your data in order in time. I’ve created a checklist for small businesses so they can make sure they don’t miss anything.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
Deciding where to spend money in a small business is always difficult - with so many worthy things to spend your budget on. Using Google AdWords can seem daunting and scary – especially when it involves bidding against your competitors for keywords.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest
Which Social Media platforms should you be using?
Before we begin, I think it’s important to point out that not every social platform is right for everybody. A lot of the time companies - like individuals - will drift toward their preferred platform. Which basically means the platform they like using the most, which more often than not is Facebook.
Topics: Small business tips
If you’re reading this, then you probably know the basics of how Google Adwords work (and if not, I recommend that you read this blog first). When searching for a product, service or company, 95 percent of people use the first page of results. Google Adwords not only guarantee a first-page result on Google, but they enable you to target, measure and progress your ads while keeping within a strict budget.
Topics: Small business tips, Latest